Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Integra LifeSciences Expands Skin and Wound Portfolio

Yesterday, Tuesday, March 25, 2014, Integra LifeSciences launched their new skin and wound product: Integra Wound Matrix (Thin).  It has received 510K clearance from the USFDA and Integra is anticipating a full market release next month after being featured at the American Burn Association Annual Meeting which taking place in Boston this week.  This product expands the opportunities for treatments from their original Integra Wound Matrix and can now be useful on more “complex anatomical sites” than the original version.  The treatments of the product includes, but is not limited to: second degree burns, various types of wounds, and various types of ulcers.  It can be purchased in a number of different sizes, and has a shelf-life of one year.  Integra closed today at $45.26 representing a 12% upside from our original buy price of $40.41.

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