Monday, December 12, 2011

ECL Active in Acquisition Market

On Thursday, December 8, 2011 Ecolab Inc. announced the acquisition of the Brazilian pest control company InsetCenter, which has about $6 million in annual sales. Ecolab plans to merge InsetCenter into its existing pest elimination business in Brazil. The terms of the deal were not disclosed but Douglas M. Baker, Jr., Ecolab's Chairman and CEO commented on the announcement, saying, "This acquisition will substantially increase our Brazilian Pest Elimination service capacity and scale to our business, making us the leader in commercial pest elimination in Brazil”. Ecolab was up $0.03 (0.05%) at the close today after a late general market sell off.

It has been a very busy month for Ecolab with its acquisitions of Nalco, the world's leading water treatment and process improvement company and the Italian health care products maker Esoform and as of today, InsetCenter. I believe that the recent acquisitions coupled with its strong performance in recent months are a good indication of growth on a global scale.

-Drew Sweeney, Junior Analyst

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